
Does using technology decrease empathy?

In the age where technology is literally at our fingertips, many questions have and will continue to arise around whether tech is a good...
IoT Security

Relevance of IoT Security and Ways to Strengthen It

The billions of physical objects connected to the internet and collecting and exchanging data collectively are referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT)....
Assistive Technology

A Modern World For All: How Assistive Technology Has Improved Accessibility

It is estimated that roughly 15% of the world’s population have some form of disability, according to The World Bank. With so many lives touched by...
cyber threats

How to keep your online life and business safe from cyber threats

A lot of people struggle with keeping their online accounts private and safe from cyber threats. We see incidents of Twitter accounts or Facebook...

What Makes PDFBear’s Word to PDF Special?

The Microsoft Word document’s transformation into PDF can be done while preventing any modifications or shifts of file. You could even experience success and...

5 Effective Approaches to Secure Your Web Applications

Web applications are the most important part of any business as the entire business operations relay on websites these days. Website security should be...

5 Best Ways to Search for Personal Information for Free

If there is a technology that has nearly overtaken the world, it's the smartphone. The devices are so integrated into everyone's life that it's...
Digital Makeover

Digital Makeover: Revamping Your Online Reputation From Scratch

Your online reputation is akin to a credit score for your persona. Your digital footprint – social media profiles, forum posts, news articles, and...
Stress Relief Gadgets

5 great Stress Relief Gadgets

Stress is an inevitable phenomenon affecting many people. People have different ways of relieving it from affecting them. These ways include: meditation, changing eating...
Algorithm Update

Experiencing Traffic Decline? Don’t Assume Algorithm Update Responsible

We can’t ignore the fact that when our website experiences a sudden drop in traffic or visibility, most of us start blaming the Google...

Latest article

Diagram showing how newsletters can turn leads into brand ambassadors for your business.

Transform Leads Into Brand Ambassadors With Newsletters

In digital marketing, newsletters are a powerful conduit for converting leads into loyal customers. This strategy revolves around leveraging newsletters' personalized touch and direct...
FikFap APK for iOS

FikFap APK for iOS: Revolutionizing Content Sharing

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content sharing, FikFap has emerged as a game-changer. Initially designed for Android users, the demand for an iOS...
Playdate e-reader

The Playdate Makes a Surprisingly Good E-Reader

In an age where digital devices are becoming more specialized, it's rare to find a gadget that exceeds expectations beyond its intended use. The...